Sociological Focus (Journal)

Why Publish in Sociological Focus?
Sociological Focus is the official journal of the North Central Sociological Association. Published continuously since 1968, the quarterly journal is international in scope, covering a full range of topics of current interest to sociology and related social science disciplines. Sociological Focus is peer reviewed and committed to publishing high quality research on substantive issues of importance to the study of society. The journal’s mission is broad in scope, encompassing empirical works (both quantitative and qualitative in nature), as well as theoretical and analytical works of interest to the general sociology reader. The journal is published by Taylor & Francis: www.tandfonline/usfo.
A submission must include the following three documents, formatted as described:
- Title Page: Include the full title, the name(s) of author(s), and the institutional affiliation of each author, and a running head. Designate the corresponding author with full address. In a footnote, also provide acknowledgements, credits, grant numbers, and other pertinent information about the article.
- Abstract: On a separate page, headed by the article title and omitting author identification.
- Paper: The title should be included on the first page. Omit author identification. Headings and subheadings in the text organize the content. Generally, three levels of headings are sufficient for an article. Refer to the ASA style manual or an ASA publication for examples.
Sociological Focus receives all manuscript submissions electronically via its ScholarOne Manuscripts site located at:
ScholarOne Manuscripts allows for rapid submission of original and revised manuscripts, and facilitates the review process and internal communication between authors, editors, and reviewers via a web-based platform. If you have any other requests, please contact the journal’s Editor, Rachel Stein,
Submission of a manuscript to Sociological Focus clearly implies a commitment to publish in this journal. Previously published papers and papers under review by another journal are unacceptable. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources and are required to sign an agreement for the transfer of copyright to the publisher on behalf of the society. All accepted manuscripts, artwork, and photographs become the property of the publisher.
Editors of Sociological Focus
2018 – 2023 Rachel Stein, West Virginia University
2013 – 2018 Annulla Linders, University of Cincinnati
2009 – 2013 Gustavo Mesch, University of Haifa, Israel
2004 – 2009 Steve Carlton-Ford and Paula Dubeck, University of Cincinnati
2000 – 2004 Gay Kitson, University of Akron
1998 – 2000 Robert K. Shelly, Ohio University
1994 – 1998 Kent P. Schwirian, Ohio State University
1992 – 1994 Stanley S. Robin, Western Michigan University
1988 – 1992 Ralph Wahrman, Bowling Green State University
1982 – 1988 Bebe Levin and Elizabeth I. Mullins, Kent State University
1978 – 1982 Norris Johnson and William Feinberg, University of Cincinnati
1974 – 1978 Samuel A. Mueller and Margaret M. Poloma, University of Akron
1971 – 1974 John W. Petras, Central Michigan University
1969 – 1971 John H. Lindquist, Trinity University
1967 – 1969 Kent P. Schwirian, Ohio State University
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