Important Policies for Presenters

Sharing research and teaching innovations at professional disciplinary conferences is an important part of being an academic. Participating in a conference program has responsibilities that are standard across associations to make for a successful meeting for presenters and attendees alike. Those responsibilities include paying NCSA membership and conference registration fees and informing the program committee if one is unable to take part in the conference after being accepted onto the program. 

Please take a moment to review the following policies before you submit a proposal to ensure that you are adequately prepared for your presenter role/s:


  • An individual may be listed on the program no more than three (3) times per annual meeting unless they have the permission of the Program Chair.
  • Specific scheduling requests must be made by December 20, 2024.


  • The lead author of a proposal will be notified via email of their proposal’s status prior to January 15, 2025. 


  • All program participants are required to register for the conference; registration for the conference includes one year of membership in NCSA.
  • Non- presenting co-authors are not required to register – however, if they attend the conference, they are required to register for the conference. 
  • All program presenters must register for the conference no later than thirty (30) days prior to the first day of the conference. Those that do not register (30) days prior to the first day of the conference will be removed from the final program. Paid registration is required to access all sessions.
  • We recommend every attendee save the emailed receipt as their record of registration. Have a copy with you when checking in at the association conference desk in case of questions.
  • NCSA’s standard policy is that any registration may be canceled without penalty up to thirty (30) calendar days prior to the first day of conference. The requirement of registration fees helps to guarantee the presence of presenters listed in the final program. This policy hopes to reduce the number of last-minute drops and no-show presenters, thus greatly increasing the quality of the program for all attendees.


  • All attendees, presenters, organizers and speakers are required to pay the conference registration fee. Conference fees help to pay for the venue and all related services as well as fund NCSA’s operating expenses throughout the year, since member dues do not cover the per-member cost of products and services such as the journal, website, online resources, and more. NCSA seeks to keep costs to a minimum and thus affordable to as many people as possible.  



  • To cancel, presenters should notify the Program Chair, Michelle Smith in writing by email as soon as possible. Cancellations must be received no later than the published cancellation deadline. Cancellations must be received at least 30 days prior to the first day of the conference. If you do not attend the conference without canceling, you are still responsible for paying appropriate registration fees.
  • If you are unable to present, but a co-author is available, contact the Program Chair, Michelle Smith at with the name of the presenter so that the session is not removed from the program. 
  • All cancellations that qualify for a refund will be credited either through a refund check payment or credit to the card used to make the original payment. Please note that this includes invoice payments made by credit card.
  • We understand that some situations may hinder one’s ability to participate. In these situations, it is required that you notify the conference planner well in advance of your presentation.


  • Any presenter(s) that do not appear in their scheduled session to make their scheduled presentation and/or do not notify conference organizers will be considered a ‘no show.’
  • Registration fees for ‘no shows’ are not refundable. Not canceling and failure to give scheduled presentations are disruptive and leave gaps in the conference program which diminishes the experience of conference attendees.


We understand that unforeseen events outside of a presenter’s control may prevent them from presenting as scheduled. Extenuating circumstances will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis for presenters with sudden and unavoidable reasons for not attending the conference (medical issues, family emergencies, unforeseen travel problems, and similar situations outside of a presenter’s control).


  • Refund requests must be submitted via email to
  • A processing fee and the 2025 membership dues will be deducted from any refunds made.  All refund requests must be made by the attendee or credit card holder. Refund requests must include the name of the attendee and/or transaction number. Please let us know if you would like to donate your registration fee in lieu of a refund. 
  • For payments received by credit or debit cards, the same credit/debit card will be refunded.
  • Refunds will not be available for registrants who choose not to attend the conference.


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updated August 26, 2024