AKD Workshop
Join a community of peers at the AKD/NCSA Preconference Workshop
Thursday, April 3, 2025
Hyatt Regency Hotel
Lexington, Kentucky
“Thriving in Uncertain Times”
Navigating this Changing Higher Education Landscape
Are you concerned about the future of sociology and higher education? Are you feeling uncertain about how best to navigate AI, daily executive orders, and the impending demographic cliff? Are you not sure if you should engage or hide? This preconference is for you. Through discussions, roundtables, reflections, and hands-on activities, this workshop will support participants as we explore ways to navigate these uncertain times while staying true to our love of sociology and our social values. Designed for new and experienced instructors alike, we invite everyone to come together and support one another in these uncertain times.
Cost $25
Scholarships from AKD available.
Contact mmessine@bsu.edu for more information or register online.
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updated on November 28, 2023